Alcanadas visits the Lourinhã Museum
The presentation of specimens that portray the extinction of life on Earth, which were temporarily lent by Museu da Lourinhã, invited the community of Alcanadas to reflect on what they would like to save nowadays. The work entitled “Arca da Salvação” (Ark of Salvation), was created by the community, together with municipal partners, museum professionals and the SAMP team, and is a tribute to the legend associated with the origin of the village’s name. Built with wood that was recycled from previous exhibitions of the project, this artwork, just like Noah’s Ark, ensures the salvation of unique specimens. More than the result of a collective work, this ark is a shelter for the individual imagination of each creator and a vehicle for sharing stories, legends, wishes and messages of hope for humanity.
Ark of Salvation
Alcanadas, Portugal, 2022
Wood, various objects, photographs and lace. This artwork is a collective creation made by the community of Alcanadas, from Municipality of Batalha, as part of project “Museu na Aldeia” (Museum in the Village).
Dionísio Vieira | Irene Carreira | Isilda Vieira | Joaquim Franco | Júlia Vieira | Natércia Matos | Noémia Meneses | Odete Franco | Palmira Frasão | Preciosa Franco | Rosinda Vieira Franco Virgílio Batista Franco | Zulmira Vieira
Technical support: Artymanha
Parish Council of Batalha and Parish Council of Reguengo do Fetal, Municipality of Batalha
The name of the village refers back to Noah’s Ark, which crashed into the hill where the village of Alcanadas now stands. In honour of this legend, there is a monument in the village with a sign indicating where Noah’s Ark
ran aground. Another explanation for the origin of the name “Alcanadas” was the Arab occupation that lasted several centuries in the region. The history of the village also includes mining activities, which occurred between the 19th and 20th centuries. This sector employed both men and women, with the men working inside the mines and the women sorting coal outside. This activity ceased after World War II, giving way to farming, which became the main economic occupation in the region.

The artwork that visited the Village
Museu da Lourinhã goes to Alcanadas
Museu da Lourinhã presented museum exhibits that explore the extinction of dinosaurs in the village of Alcanadas, municipality of Batalha. The exhibition was held at the Primary School and it was supported by the community, who helped preserve and promote it. The collection was composed of a meteorite and replicas of living creatures that walked the face of the Earth before the collision of the asteroid that marked the end of the Jurassic Period (150 million years ago). This also included a block composed of a sequence of rocks that represent the transition between the Cretaceous and the Palaeogene period – around 66 million years old. All the elements illustrate the dramatic changes the world went through, the extinction of various species of plants and animals that used to dominate the planet and the origin of new species, such as mammals.
Meetings and Sharing
The Community welcomes an artwork from the Museum, inviting it into the heart of their village. This object becomes a catalyst, inspiring museum professionals and the artistic team to engage participants in a collaborative process. Together, they establish connections between the museum artwork, its reflection, and its ties to local heritage. Using local elements such as objects, songs, stories, and traditions, participants craft their own artwork. The celebration reaches its peak with the inauguration of a temporary exhibition in the museum. An artistic performance fosters connections among communities and museum professionals, strengthening bonds between them.
And so it was… Art as an invitation for encounters and connections.
Exhibitions Credits
Cultural PromoterSAMP – Sociedade Artística Musical dos Pousos
Co-financierIniciativa Portugal Inovação Social
Programa Operacional Social e de Emprego (PO ISE)
Portugal 2020
Fundo Social Europeu (FSE) -
Social investorCâmara Municipal de Leiria
PartnerRede Cultura 2027
In collaboration withMunicípio da Batalha
Município da Lourinhã
GEAL – Grupo de Etnologia e Arqueologia da Lourinhã
Museu da Lourinhã
União de Freguesias de Leiria, Pousos, Barreira e Cortes -
Museums Working Group for project “Rede Cultura 2027”Alberto Guerreiro | Museu Raul da Bernarda
Sónia Santos | Município de Ourém
Bruno Silva | Rede de Museus e Galerias de Óbidos
Dóris Santos | Museu Dr. Joaquim Manso
Filipe Guimarães da Silva | Fundação Mário Soares e Maria Barroso
Jorge Figueiredo | Município de Porto de Mós
Luís Figueiredo | Museu Damião de Góis e das Vítimas da Inquisição
Margarida Moleiro | Museu Municipal Carlos Reis
Raquel Janeirinho | Rede Museológica do Concelho de Peniche
Vânia Carvalho | Museu de Leiria -
The 13 VillagesAlcanadas (Batalha) | Louriceira de Cima (Arruda dos Vinhos) | Ateanha (Ansião) | Cabeças (Alvaiázere) | Cercal (Cadaval) | Columbeira (Bombarral) | Fanhais (Nazaré) | Freixianda (Ourém) | Folgarosa (Torres Vedras) | Mosteiro (Pedrógão Grande) | São Bento (Porto de Mós) | Fetelaria (Sobral de Monte Agraço) | Pena e Casal da Pena (Torres Novas)
The 13 MuseumsCasa do Tempo (Castanheira de Pera) | Centro de Artes Caldas da Rainha | Centro de Estudos em Fotografia de Tomar | Rede de Museus e Galerias de Óbidos | Museu de Arte Popular Portuguesa (Pombal) | Museu da Lourinhã | Museu de Aguarela Roque Gameiro (Alcanena) | Museu de Leiria | Museu do Vidro (Marinha Grande) | Museu e Centro de Artes de Figueiró dos Vinhos | Museu Damião de Góis e das Vítimas da Inquisição (Alenquer) | Museu Raul da Bernarda (Alcobaça) | Rede Museológica do Concelho de Peniche
The project also had the collaboration of museums from the 26 participating municipalities. -
SAMP Contigo | CoordinationRaquel Gomes
Museu na Aldeia | CoordinationGabriela da Rocha
Sofia Neves
Museu na Aldeia | Teams of the project
SAMP | Artistic teamBruno Homem | Musician
Filipa Cunha | Music
Inesa Markava | Artistic Director of Performances
Jesus Kristen | Musician
Raquel Gomes | Community Artist
Ruben Santos | Musician
Sofia Neves | Actress -
SAMP | Technical teamAna Figueiredo | Communication and Content Manager
Cátia Gaio | Logistic and Financial Support
Gabriela da Rocha | Museologist
Henrique Chaves | Sociologist
Lara Matos | Graduate in Social Psychology
Leonor Capricho | Graphic Designer
Ismael Neves | Logistic and Financial Support
Telma Pereira | Production -
TextsAna Figueiredo | SAMP
Carla Tomás | Museu da Lourinhã
Gabriela da Rocha | SAMP
Henrique Chaves | SAMP
Sofia Neves | SAMP -
Photography creditsSAMP | Team
Gil de Lemos -
Museography and exhibition set-upCarla Abreu | Museu da Lourinhã
Carla Tomás | Museu da Lourinhã
Câmara Municipal da Lourinhã
Gabriela da Rocha | SAMP
Inês Soares | Novonovo
Lorenzo Scodeller | Novonovo -
Graphic designLeonor Capricho | SAMP
Exhibition equipment designPaolo Martini | Novonovo
Carpentry service and ark designArtymanha
Insurance of the artworkLUSITANIA, Companhia de Seguros, SA
AcknowledgementsComunidade de Alcanadas
Dulce Vieira e José Vieira
Centro Recreativo de Alcanadas
Museu da Comunidade Concelhia da Batalha
Politécnico de Leiria
União de Freguesias de Leiria, Pousos, Barreira e Cortes
ANAFS – Associação Nacional de Alistados das Formações Sanitárias