The Great Encounter
‘Grande Encontro Museu na Aldeia’ (The Great Encounter) brought together for the first time all the communities, museums, municipalities and partners in the same space to celebrate the several moments of the project. This special encounter took place at Teatro José Lúcio da Silva on the 1st of March 2023 and allowed the crossover of creations, the sharing of thoughts and the deepening of bonds between all.
26 municipalities in 13 museums and 13 villages
In this collective work, villages and museums from 26 municipalities were invited to bring small pieces representing their cultural heritage and their relationship with the project.
Is an art installation created by communities and museums. They were previously invited to bring an object that represented their relationship with the Museum in the Village project and with their own Cultural Heritage, and each of these objects was exhibited as part of a structure designed by the artist Carla Freire.
The paths travelled throughout the project – which unite professionals, communities and teams – are symbolically represented between the lines drawn by the three walls of dynamic angles and height. The creation of this work transcended collective collaboration, transforming it into a performative and ephemeral action, conferring a unique and unrepeatable character to a piece that was installed and dismantled on the same day.
The Great Encounter Artwork

Great Encounter
Artistic Installation
Cardboard structure, various objects.
This work is a collective creation made by representatives from the 13 museums and the community of the 13 villages, as well as other partners from the 26 municipalities, within the scope of the Great Encounter event of the Museum in the Village project.
Project: Carla Freire
Exhibition and Spectacle
‘Grande Encontro Museu na Aldeia’ (The Great Encounter) brought together for the first time all the communities, museums, municipalities and partners in the same space to celebrate the several moments of the project. This special encounter took place at Teatro José Lúcio da Silva on the 1st of March 2023 and allowed the crossover of creations, the sharing of thoughts and the deepening of bonds between all.
During this celebration of territorial union, we’ve witnessed the place and expression of community Art that – by travelling more than 40 000 km – represented the nearly 130 sessions and the more than 500 people involved through a performance, a documentary and an exhibition. The records of the various artistic languages and the creativity that emerged hand in hand with the music focused on the accounts of those who brought the project to life, resulting in an interactive, innovative and representative exhibition of the soul and voice of each village. ‘Do outro lado da linha’ (On the other side of the line) invited the public to get to know the ‘Museu na Aldeia’ (Museum in the Village) project through images and accounts from each community. The exhibition also allowed revisiting some of the works provided by the museums through the use of Virtual Reality Headsets, as well as the co-creation of the Artwork ‘O Grande Encontro’ (The Great Encounter).
Great Encounter on Stage
SAMP’s artists and musicians conceived a unique show, directed by David Ramy and performed by Paulo Lameiro, in a great tribute to the encounters between Cultural Heritage and the rural environment, where field labour instruments such as hoes, wooden benches and even a tarara came to musical life.
The performing arts also enchanted the stage, with the captivating character Henriqueta, played by Sofia Neves, returning from a long journey in the construction of her collective work.
Dance and music came together on stage in a vibrant show, with dancer Inesa Markava to the sound of guest accordionist Pedro Santos. The special participation of the representatives of the 13 museums and 13 villages gave voice to the message behind the works selected by the museums and the collective creations of the villages.
Museum in the Village Documentary
The documentary “Museum in the Village” presents the close relationships created between museums and villages over almost three years of the project. The transport and presentation of museum collections in villages far from urban centres provided countless moments of encounters through cultural similarities and differences. The villages reciprocated the gesture by creating a new collective work and presenting it in their respective museums. In this film developed by the Casota Collective, the various artistic languages and creativity that emerged hand in hand with music are recorded, focusing on the accounts of those who brought the project to life: the communities, the museums, the professionals and the teams involved.
Museum in the Village Documentary
Duration: 25 minutes 49 seconds
Language: Portuguese (PT)
A Movie by Casota Collective
On the Other Side of the Line
Interactive Installation
Telephones, screens, and a path to the village. SAMP – Sociedade Artística Musical dos Pousos, presents the exhibition “Do Outro Lado da Linha”, an art installation that invites the visitor to get to know the Museu na Aldeia project through images and stories from the 13 communities. The installation explores different interactive technologies, which highlight the importance of the telephone as a common means of communication to bring museums, teams and participants closer together, bridging the gap between the past and the present. By using the telephone, visitors are transported to the heart of the villages. Life stories, personal and collective memories of the participants are shared on the other end of the line, as well as their experiences with the project along a path, where museums and villages meet and bond around their heritage.

On the Other Side of the Line
Leiria, Portugal 2023
Interactive Installation
A SAMP project in partnership with MILL – Makers in Little Lisbon.
Technical support and programming: MILL – Makers in Little Lisbon – Design and production of interactive phones for audiovisual content playback.
Artistic Credits
Cultural PromoterSAMP – Sociedade Artística Musical dos Pousos
Co-financierIniciativa Portugal Inovação Social
Programa Operacional Social e de Emprego (PO ISE)
Portugal 2020
Fundo Social Europeu (FSE) -
Social investorCâmara Municipal de Leiria
PartnerRede Cultura 2027
In collaboration withMunicípio da Batalha
Município da Lourinhã
GEAL – Grupo de Etnologia e Arqueologia da Lourinhã
Museu da Lourinhã
União de Freguesias de Leiria, Pousos, Barreira e Cortes -
The 13 VillagesAlcanadas (Batalha) | Louriceira de Cima (Arruda dos Vinhos) | Ateanha (Ansião) | Cabeças (Alvaiázere) | Cercal (Cadaval) | Columbeira (Bombarral) | Fanhais (Nazaré) | Freixianda (Ourém) | Folgarosa (Torres Vedras) | Mosteiro (Pedrógão Grande) | São Bento (Porto de Mós) | Fetelaria (Sobral de Monte Agraço) | Pena e Casal da Pena (Torres Novas)
The 13 MuseumsCasa do Tempo (Castanheira de Pera) | Centro de Artes Caldas da Rainha | Centro de Estudos em Fotografia de Tomar | Rede de Museus e Galerias de Óbidos | Museu de Arte Popular Portuguesa (Pombal) | Museu da Lourinhã | Museu de Aguarela Roque Gameiro (Alcanena) | Museu de Leiria | Museu do Vidro (Marinha Grande) | Museu e Centro de Artes de Figueiró dos Vinhos | Museu Damião de Góis e das Vítimas da Inquisição (Alenquer) | Museu Raul da Bernarda (Alcobaça) | Rede Museológica do Concelho de Peniche
The project also had the collaboration of museums from the 26 participating municipalities. -
Presentation of The Great Encounter | SAMPPaulo Lameiro
Artistic Direction of The Great Encounter | SAMPDavid Ramy
Museu na Aldeia | Teams of the project
SAMP | Artistic TeamAna Filipa Cunha | Musician
Bruno Homem | Musician
David Ramy | Artistic Director
nesa Markava | Dancer
Jesus Kristen | Musician
Lara Matos | Psychologist
Paulo Lameiro | Musician
Raquel Gomes | Community Artist
Ruben Santos | Musician
Sofia Neves | Theater Artist
Umberto Giancarli | Musician
Guest Artist
Pedro Santos | Accordionist -
SAMP | Support TeamAna Figueiredo | Production, Communication, and Image SAMP
Cátia Gaio | Logistic Support
Cláudia Rodrigues | Financial, Innovation, and Project Management Department
Henrique Chaves | Sociologist
Gabriela da Rocha | Museologist
Gabriele Carvalho | Production, Communication, and Image SAMP
Inês Ferreira | Administrative Services
Joana Gonçalves | Production, Communication, and Image SAMP
Leonor Capricho | Production, Communication, and Image SAMP -
DocumentaryCasota Collective
Project and Assembly of the work “Grand Meeting”Carla Freire
Artistic Installation “On the Other Side of the Line”MILL – Makers in Little Lisbon
Design and production of interactive phones for the reproduction of audiovisual content.
Immersive Technologies | SAMPBruno Homem | Virtual Reality Glasses Configuration
Gabriela da Rocha | 3D Scanning and Virtual Environment
Photography CreditsSAMP Team
Gil de Lemos -
Photographic Exhibition AssemblyGabriela da Rocha | Museologist
Leonor Capricho | Production, Communication, and Image SAMP
David Ramy | Musician
Ana Raquel Azeiteiro | Conductor
AcknowledgmentsAll participating communities and museums.
Municipalities, Parish Councils, Associations, and Collectives participating in the project.
Members of the Museums Working Group, representing the museums of the 26 municipalities.
The team of Teatro José Lúcio da Silva.
Union of Parishes of Leiria, Pousos, Barreira e Cortes.